Last but not the least,the unique feature of PSS is that is offers security to your residence or commercial establishment even for a shorter duration of just two hours.
We work round the clock, 365 days, 24 hours a day. We also offer services on a daily,monthly payment basis as well.
Our rates are affordable to everyone and are based on the location and the type of security required.
We also provide security installation and equipments purchase consultations.In a nutshell, PSS provides social security to a large section of people by employing them to provide assets and personal security to everyone.
Even to an average person who can ill afford a private security! “Providing Protection to everyone,by every means is our objective!” And we strive to achieve it all times.
Call us now to provide you complete sense of security, so that you could concentrate on what you are good at.
No.7, Gangaiamman koil Street,
Chennai-600 024.